Wednesday, February 15, 2017

~ Love Story ~

She never said she did
And how much I excited her
But I knew she had it.

Every single time she gaze
And the longing I see in her
Breaks me to core and pour.

Couldn’t help, but submit
Knowing I’ll lose myself
She is, worth losing for.

One among many to fall
With a glimpse and urge
To touch her lips and soul.

Out from the sky I fly
With distance in seconds
Though as time stands still.

Just in a hands reach
About to touch and feel
When time turns moments.

Out from nowhere
I tremble and got driven
Far from her, the destiny.

I did quench, though
The thirst and the longing
Not of the soul, but the soil.

Died and buried underneath
With love that lasted a life
How long can I be captive?

Will rise again from ashes
And pour down on you again
But, in another monsoon.

-  Ju  Ne
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